Monday, February 28, 2011

First cats!

Shimmerstar gazed around the barren clearing. She promised to Starclan that she would rebuild Burstclan. She leaped onto the DesertStone, not bothering to call."We have our first new joiners! Welcome to Burstclan, Flamewave and Hawkwatcher!" She smiled warmly at the two toms."Hopefully, we will have more joiners so that we can rebuild Burstclan. Blizzardwave, please show them around camp." Shimmerstar nodded to her brother."Meeting dismissed."

Shimmerstar slinked down and headed to her den on the other plateau.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Medicine Herb List

Please thank Alice in Wonderland for this Herb List.


Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications.

Used to prevent tooth decay.

Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.

New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bit of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.
Keys (seeds) of the Ash tree may also be consumed to fight the pain caused by a stitch in the side.

Leaves and Roots should be consumed to stave off fevers. Seeds and leaves should be consumed by the nursing Queen to increase available milk.
Borage should never be used dried, only green.

Leaves may be chewed and applied to wounds that are clear of infection to speed healing.
Roots may be chewed and applied to a wound to draw infection from it. Especially good for rat bites.

Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.

Leaves and Flowers can be used to relive congestion and coughs. Used to counter greencough and whitecough. Usually found near twoleg places.

Used to strenghten weak eyes.

Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.

CHERVIL The juice of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.

If there is now catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.

Gathered and pressed into wounds to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.

COLTSFOOTThe leaves are eaten to reduce shortness of breath.

Used when healing broken bones.

If chewed into a paste, can be a useful remedy for aching joints.

Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows if they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not always be saved.

DOCK The leaf is chewed and applied to scratches to soothe them. Also can make a cat's fur slippery to help her out of tangles such as in a bramble bush.

DRIED OAK LEAF Used to stop infections.

Used to ease infection.

Used to clean out wounds.

Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.

GOLDENROD The poultice of this is for healing wounds.

Used to sooth the throat. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.

HORSETAIL The leaves are chewed up and applied to infected wounds.

Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.

Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the sent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.

use to soothe the belly

Leaves and Flowers should be consumed to relieve chills.
Leaves and Petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.

Bile from the liver of the common mouse may be harvested and used to kill stubborn fleas and ticks.

PARSLEY Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk.

Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid is sleep.
Flower heads should be consumed together to relive continuous coughs.
Petals and Leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.

STINGING NETTLE The leaves are applied to reduce swelling, while the seeds are ingested by those who have swallowed poison.

Used to counter poison.

Leaves, flowers, and Stems should be eaten together to remove worms.
Leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches.
Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs.
Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, for it causes miscarriages.

Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in brining restful sleep.

Used to help cure bellyaches.

Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches.
Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.

WILD GARLIC Rolling in a patch helps prevent infection.

Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting.
Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relive pain and prevent infection.

Bramble Twigs
Chew this into a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.

Training Clearing

Rocky clearing where mentors train their apprentices. It has large rocks a some dead trees, which are ideal to use for training.

Swift River

This is the river we use for training. The water isn't very pure, so we usually stick to the Plateau Pond for water. Here is where we teach apprentices how to swim, or maybe we just play in the water to cool off.

Mysteryclan Border

Mysteryclan is just beyond the mountains. Our territory range is extremely large, since none of the other clans can adapt to the dry weather.

Plateau Pond

On another mesa not too far away, there is a large lake filled with pure, cold water. Since water is so vital to us in our dry environment, we send regular patrols to fetch water in some bark.

Hunting Plains

Fairly barren, except for plants here and there. We can find rabbits in burrows and a few snakes or lizards. There are plenty or desert mice, and sometimes we can catch large birds like eagles and hawks.

Hollow Tree (Starclan meeting place.)

Large, ancient tree that is gnarled and dead. The leaders and medicine cats sleep on their branches to receive visions from Starclan.

Elders Den

Large cluster of bushes near the apprentices den. All these bushes connect, so it makes a nice, cozy den for our elders. We weave twigs into the bushes to make sure it's well protected.


Shallow cave/ledge that is covered with grass and feather at the bottom. It is draped with fallen willow limbs except for the entrance for protection. It constantly smells of nursing milk.

Apprentices Den

An odd patch of greenery lies on our camp mesa. A huge, thick willow tree grows there, it's limbs so dense that it makes a perfect den. This is where the apprentices sleep, almost as if we were on normal clan territory.

Warriors Den

Large cave tucked into the mesa floor. It is very wide and cool, sheltering all of our warriors and protecting them from the heat of sun-high.

Medicine Cat Den

Large burrow in the ground, formed by rabbits. There are many cracks in the ceilings because of dry weather, so it is easy to see herbs and sick cats.

Leaders Den.

This is the Leaders Den. It is a rather big hollow carved into the rock by the wind. It is located on the mesa that is smaller but slightly taller than the other mesa.

♫ Join us! ♫

Hello, welcome to Burstclan. I trust my warriors showed you our only way into camp, so you better not be a traitor. Well, look at me, getting carried away again. My name is Shimmerstar, and I lead this clan. If you would indeed like to join us, I'll need some information from you.

Paragraph about self:

Rules for joining:

1. No unusual names like Cartail or Glassypelt

2. No strange pelt or eye colors

3. No begging to be in prophecies

4. No evil cats...yet.

5. Please don't make any cats who are like, worshiped by toms or she-cats. It's gets kinda old.....

6. Don't be mean about this site.

7. Not exactly a rule but have fun!